Purpose: Making and growing disciples that make a difference.

Vision: To become a church family on mission with God, changing lives in our community and our world.

Core Values:
1.    Take the Gospel to our community, Missouri, North America, and the ends of the earth.
2.    Create and environment to bring the worshiper into a life changing experience with the living God.
3.    Unite as a family through fellowship.
4.    Equip our church family through the preaching and teaching of the inerrant Word of God.
5.    Serve the Lord by ministering to others.

Doctrine: The Holy Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and is the basis for our beliefs. The Church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of the “Baptist Faith and Message” most recently adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention.

Affiliations: As a church we cooperate with other like-minded churches in our local association, our state convention, and national convention in order that we may accomplish more for the glory of God together than we could alone. Links to those organizations are listed below:

Heart of Missouri Baptist Association – 

Missouri Baptist Association –

Southern Baptist Association –